Local Information



Annual Events Christmas Fayre, Summer Music Festival, Garden Competition, Mowbray Green Fayre, Remembrance Sunday
Quarterly Events  Woburn Sands Town Council Newsletter
Monthly Events Coach Trips, Hogsty End Handbook, Community Market


Woburn Sands sits on the boundary between the Milton Keynes and the Central Bedfordshire Local Education Authorities (LEAs.)

Milton Keynes education is organised as a two-tier system of Primary (4-11) and Secondary (11-16+) Schools. Central Bedfordshire education is organised as a three-tier system of Lower (4-9), Middle (9-13) and Upper (13-16+) Schools. Situated in Woburn Sands are Swallowfield (Lower) School and Fulbrook (Middle) School. The Cedars (Upper) School in Leighton Buzzard is the nearest Upper School. All of the nearest Secondary/Upper Schools are Academies.

There are a number of pre-school and nursery education providers locally. Several independent Schools also serve the community. Further information can be found from the Independent Schools website

Clubs, Societies and Local Organisations

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts
Ruth Marienfeld 07971 790858

Brownies on Thursday -5.15 – 7.15 pm at Summerlin Centre
Anita Rowe - 01908 662890

Encore Childrens Theatre Group on Friday evening at Aspley Guise Village Hall 
01908 586673

Girl Guides on Thursday - 7.30 – 9.30 pm at Summerlin Centre
Helen Jenkings woburnsandsguides@hotmail.com

Rangers (guiding) on Monday evening St. Michael’s Church

01908 583779

Parent and Toddlers Group on Tuesday 9.30 - 11.00 am at Memorial Hall

Trefoil Guild 
Jan Fuller 01908 234519