Top Ten Priorities

To maintain the vitality of the High Street and Station Road

Increase access to Car Parking spaces and appropriate control of these.

Ensure appearance of the town meets appropriate Conservation Area status guidelines.

Consider the continued need for Public Convenience (expensive to maintain)

Update Neighbourhood Plan

To ensure compatibility with Plan:MK once adopted.

To promote the Town

New Sports Hall

Establish a team to include members of the community for the layout, equipment and subsequent management.

Improve Communications

Promote the upgraded website and keep it up to date

Improve notice board provision and promote awareness and use

Promote the town with responsible use of social media

Traffic: attempt to prevent:

Illegal and inconsiderate parking

Speeding traffic

HGVs travelling through town (except for access) now has 7.5 tonne limit imposed

Open Spaces and Recreation: consider:

Need for land for a playing field for team sports and shared partnership opportunities

Use of recreation ground (including skateboard park)

Use of Edgewick Farm – improve footpaths and picnic area

Consider implications of MKC withdrawing services

Landscaping contracts

Litter picking / street cleaning / dog bins

Increasing staffing levels 

The Station and East / West Rail

Consider improvements to appearance of area around the station

Car parking for station

A third lane on the south side of the crossing to allow cars waiting to turn right into Cranfield Road to be separated from other vehicles

Support Asplands Medical Centre

Need for possible additional premises for clinics not requiring a doctor


Support the continuation and improvement of the choice of educational provision available to Woburn Sands residents.