Recreation Ground

The Recreation Ground - A Great Location

‘The Rec’ is the green open space near the Woburn Sands Railway Station. The Old Fire Station building is located at one end and the pelican crossing over Station Road is at the other end. It is the largest green play and social space in Woburn Sands. 

Woburn Sands Town Council have approximately £250,000 to develop our local recreation ground into an exciting ‘Play Park’. This money has come to us from Section 106 funds collected from a range of building developments in the town. We literally have money to play with!

Aerial shot of the recreation ground

Mpa of the recreation ground

The Survey

We asked you to help us to decide on what is in the new Rec and Play Parks by sharing your views with us. We had to be realistic - we could not provide everything that was suggested but we hope the changes we make will achieve a recreation area that has a better balance of activities and gives the best value to our community.

Many of you contributed to our survey, including the children of Swallowfield Lower School.  

The New Look

A small proportion of the money will be used to improve the existing play area and football pitch including new, more appropriately sized, goal posts. Most of the improvements to the existing play area have made - these include a safer surface, basket swing, trampoline and roundabout. We have a bespoke piece of climbing frame apparatus still to come next to the existing play area. 

We had hoped the improvements would all be done by now, however there was a delay due to Covid19 and Anglian Water notifying us of some works they need to do beneath the recreation ground. As Anglian Water are currently not able to confirm when their works will start, we have asked MK Council to move ahead with the improvement plans for the Recreation Ground. This includes the installation of the MUGA  (multi-use games area) and landscaping.  

Keep checking this page for updates on the progress of the improvements! 


electronic multi use games area


field of flowers

